There are problems where you need to subtract one mixed number from another mixed number. For example, find the value of the expression: 15141

To solve this example, convert the mixed numbers 15142 and 15143 to improper fractions, then subtract fractions with different denominators:


If you subtract two whole pizzas and a third of a pizza from three whole pizzas, you are left with one whole pizza and one sixth of a pizza:


Example 2. Find the value of the expression 15141

Convert the mixed numbers 15142 and 15143 into improper fractions and subtract fractions with different denominators:


We'll come back to the subtraction of mixed numbers. There are many subtleties in subtracting fractions that a beginner is not yet prepared for. For example, it is possible that the subtractor may be less than the subtractor. This can lead us into the world of negative numbers, which we haven't yet studied.

In the meantime, we will study multiplication of mixed numbers. It is not as complicated as addition and subtraction.

Subtraction of mixed numbers. Complex cases.

When subtracting mixed numbers, you sometimes find that things don't go as smoothly as you'd like. It often happens that when you solve an example, the answer is not what it should be.

When subtracting numbers, the subtractor must be greater than the subtractor. Only then will you get a normal answer.

For example, 10-8=2

10 is the diminutive

8 - subtraction

2 - difference

The diminutive 10 is greater than the subtractor 8, so we have a normal answer of 2.

Now let's see what happens if the subtractor is less than the subtractor. Example 5-7= -2

5 - diminutive

7 - subtraction

-2 - difference

In this case, we go beyond our usual numbers and enter the world of negative numbers, where it is too early, or even dangerous, for us to walk. To work with negative numbers, you need proper mathematical training, which we have not yet received.

If when solving subtraction examples you find that the subtractor is smaller than the subtractor, you can skip such an example for now. It is acceptable to work with negative numbers only after you have studied them.

The situation with fractions is the same. The diminutive must be greater than the subtractor. Only then will it be possible to get a normal answer. And to know if the fraction to be reduced is larger than the fraction to be subtracted, you need to be able to compare the fractions.

For example, solve example142314.

This is a subtraction example. To solve it, you must check to see if the fraction being subtracted is greater than the fraction being subtracted. 1621 is more than 1/3


so we can safely go back to the example and solve it:


Now solve this example 1642

Check to see if the fraction to be subtracted is larger than the fraction to be subtracted. We find that it is smaller:


In this case, it is wise to stop and not continue with further calculations. We will return to this example when we study negative numbers.

It is also desirable to check mixed numbers before subtraction. For example, find the value of the expression 15141.

First, we check to see if the decreasing mixed number is greater than the subtracted one. To do this, convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:


We got fractions with different numerators and different denominators. To compare such fractions, we need to reduce them to the same (common) denominator. We will not describe in detail how to do it. If you have difficulties, be sure to repeat the actions with fractions.

After reducing the fractions to the same denominator, we get the following expression:


Now we need to compare fractions 1653 and 1654. These are fractions with the same denominators. Of the two fractions with the same denominators, the fraction whose numerator is larger is larger.

The fraction 1653 has a larger numerator than the fraction 1654. So the fraction 1653 is larger than the fraction 1654.


This means that the subtractor 1655 is greater than the subtractor 1656.


Which means we can go back to our example and boldly solve it:

Example 3. Find the value of the expression 1661

Check to see if the subtractor is greater than the subtractor.

Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:


We obtained fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Bring these fractions to the same (common) denominator:1663

Now let's compare fractions 1664 and 1665. The fraction 1664 has a smaller numerator than the fraction 1665, so the fraction 1664 is smaller than the fraction 1665


This means that the diminutive of 1667 is also less than the subtractor of 1668


This is guaranteed to lead us into the world of negative numbers. So it makes more sense to stop here and not continue calculating. We'll continue when we study negative numbers.

Example 4. Find the value of the expression 1671

Check to see if the subtractor is greater than the subtractor.

Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:


We got fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Bring them to the same (common) denominator:


Now we need to compare fractions 1674 and 1675. The fraction 1674 has a larger numerator than the fraction 1675. So the fraction 1674 is larger than the fraction 1675.


This means that the subtractor 1676 is greater than the subtractor 1677.


Therefore, we can safely continue to calculate our example:


At first we got the answer 16711. We reduced this fraction by 2 and got a fraction 16712, but we were not satisfied with this answer either, so we separated the whole part in this answer. As a result, we got the answer 16713.

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