To compare two decimal, you need to make the number of digits after the dot the same in both decimals by adding zeros to one of them. Then discard the commas in both fractions and compare the resulting numbers.

For example, compare decimals 5.345 and 5.36.

The first fraction has three digits after the dot, and the second fraction has only two. You should add another zero at the end of the second fraction to make the number of digits after the dot in both fractions the same.

Add zero to the end of the second fraction, then we get fractions 5.345 and 5.360. Now we discard the points in both fractions and get 5345 and 5360. So we compare them like regular numbers. 5345 is less than 5360.

5345 < 5360

So the fraction 5.345 is smaller than the fraction 5.36

5.345 < 5.36

Example 2. Compare the decimals 6.782 and 6.71

Make the number of digits in both decimals the same:


Let's drop the dots:


6782 more than 6710

6782 > 6710

So the decimal 6.782 is larger than the decimal 6.71

6.782 > 6.71

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