The fractions that need to be compared are different. The best case is when the fractions have the same denominators, but different numerators. In this case, the following rule applies:

Of two fractions with the same denominators, the one with the larger numerator is larger. The fraction with the smaller numerator is smaller.

For example, compare fractions 1612 and 1611 and answer which of these fractions is larger. The denominators are the same, but the numerators are different. Fraction 1612 has a larger numerator than fraction 1611. It means that 1612 is larger than 1611. That's how we answer. Answer with the bigger sign (>).


This example can be easily understood if you think of pizzas that are divided into four parts. A 1612 pizza is bigger than a 1611 pizza:


Everyone would agree that the first pizza is bigger than the second.


Task 1. Compare fractions:

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