The rule for dividing a number by a fraction is the same as the rule for dividing a fraction by a number.

To divide a number by a fraction, multiply the number by the fraction inverse of the divisor.

For example, divide the number 1 by 1/2.

To divide the number 1 by 1/2, you must multiply the number 1 by the fraction inverse of the fraction 1/2. And the inverse of fraction 1/2 is fraction 2 * 1.

1 *1*2 =2

The expression 1 /1 * 2 can be understood as defining the number of halves in one whole pizza. Suppose there is one whole pizza:


If we ask the question "how many times is half contained in this pizza", the answer is 2. Indeed, half is contained in one whole pizza twice


Example 2. Find the value of the expression 2 / 1 * 2

Multiply 2 by a fraction the inverse of the divisor. And the inverse of the divisor is the fraction 2 * 1

2 / 1 * 2

Let's say we have two whole pizzas:


If we ask the question "how many times half is in two pizzas", the answer is 4. Indeed, half is contained in two pizzas four times:


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