You may encounter problems in which you want to subtract a fraction from a whole number. For example, subtract fraction 1/2 from number 1. To solve such an example, imagine the whole 1 as a fraction 1*1, and subtract fractions with different denominators:

step 1

If there is one whole pizza and we subtract half a pizza from it, we have half a pizza:

step 2

Example 2. Find the value of the expression 1581.

Let's represent the number 2 as a fraction 14167, and subtract fractions with different denominators:


If there are two whole pizzas and we subtract half from the bottom, that leaves one whole pizza and half:


Such examples can be solved in your mind. It is enough to be able to reproduce them in your imagination. For example, let's find the value of 3 without doing any calculations on paper.

Let's pretend that the number 3 is three pizzas:


We need to subtract 1/3 from them. We remember that a third is as follows:


Now imagine what three pizzas would look like if you cut off that third of them


It came out 2/3 (two whole and two thirds of a pizza).

To see if the solution is correct, you can find the value of the expression 3 by the usual method, presenting the number 3 as a fraction, and subtracting fractions with different denominators:


Example 3. Find the value of the expression 1591

Let's represent the number 3 as a fraction 1592. Then subtract fractions with different denominators:



Task 1. Find the value of the expression:

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