To divide a fraction by a fraction, multiply the first fraction by the fraction inverse of the second fraction.

For example, divide 1/2 by 1/4

To divide 1/2 by 1/4, you have to multiply 1/2 by a fraction that is the inverse of a fraction of 1/4. And the inverse of a fraction 1/4 is a fraction 4 * 1

4 * 1

Let's say there is half a pizza:

4 *1

If we ask the question "how many times a quarter of a pizza is contained in this half", the answer is 2. Indeed, a quarter of a pizza is contained in half of a pizza twice:


Example 1. Find the value of the expression 14171

Multiply the first fraction by the fraction inverse of the second fraction. Roughly speaking, we multiply the first fraction by the inverted second fraction:


Example 2. Find the value of the expression 1418

Multiply the first fraction by the inverse of the second fraction:


This is where you should stop and practice. Solve the few examples below. You can use the website materials as a reference. This will allow you to learn how to work with the literature.

Each next topic will be more difficult, so you need to practice.


Task 1. Find the value of the expression:
Task 2. Find the value of the expression:

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